ABC Radio


Monday, 16 September 2013

How can you Lock your Folder without any software?

How can you Lock your Folder without any software?

Some times we need to keep our important file hide. But hiding there is a problem, if any one search the file the can easily find that file. For that reason we need to lock the folder. To look the folder we need folder locker soft. But today I will  teach how to lock folder without any soft. 

See the tutorial bellow>>>>>>>>>>>>>

1. First we need to create a folder and give name locked ( you can give name as your wish )

2. Now create a not pad and write that code   ren “FOLDERNAME” FOLDERNAME.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}  Here folder name means your folder name which one you want to lock. Now rename the folder in  Lock.bat

3. Now Make another one. Take a new not pad and write this code   ren FOLDERNAME.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} “FOLDERNAME” Save file as in Step 2, just choose a different filename , like unlock.bat
After this we can see in My Documents something like this

4. If we open (double click) lock.bat our folder will turn into a link to Control Panel, and the files will not be visible. until we use unlock.bat

5. Now if any one dabble click on the locked icon then it will take control panel 

Enjoy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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